Hey, nice to meet you! This is To the Moon, a fanmade, fan-managed fanlisting for the Toilet-bound Hanako-kun series! If you're a hardcore or casual fan, you're welcome to join here!

Rules for joining

  • You must have a website. Either one hosted in Neocities/Nekoweb/etc. I'll also allow carrds and straw.pages if that's more of your thing. Social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) aren't discouraged, but aren't recommended either. If you have a Tumblr blog with a custom theme (desktop only), you may be able to place the code in your profile, somehow.
  • Your site should have content in it! And importantly, a spot in your index page, homepage if your index is a landing page, or even a link in the navigation list containing your list of webrings/fanlistings! I will not accept applications from blank websites.
  • Sites with NSFW content are still free to join, but there should be appropriate warnings/indications when first opening the site up. Your site will be marked as containing NSFW content in the members' list.
  • Please don't be weird! Inappropriate behavior, being rude or just being a terrible person in general is highly discouraged around here.
  • Being inactive/unable to update your site won't get you kicked out of the list, but if you want to be removed, you can contact me here!
  • You might need to wait within 2 weeks for me to see your application and accept you into the list since I'm not going to be constantly online and I process applications manually. But rest assured, you will be put in the list and notified as soon as possible within that time period. If you still see that you're not in the list, feel free to contact me here!